Four pathways
Find out what's next for you...

Leaving Ministry
Step 1
Decide it’s time (or maybe it was decided for you).
Step 2
Begin to discern what’s next and how your skills transfer.
Step 3
Dial in your resume - knowing that it needs to be specific to the field and job. Transferrable from your previous situation, and ATS Friendly.
Step 4
Create spreadsheet of jobs you’ve applied to, hire managers you’ve reached out to, and dates.
Step 5
Get Interviews.
Step 6
Get Hired! 🥳
Bivocational / Covocational
Step 1
Figure out your context. Are you taking a church down this path? Or are you looking for a bivo role?
Step 2
Begin to discern what jobs you can do and would help give you the flexibility.
Step 3
Dial in your resume - knowing that it needs to be specific to the field and job. Transferrable from your previous situation, and ATS Friendly.
Step 4
Create spreadsheet of jobs you’ve applied to, hire managers you’ve reached out to, and dates.
Step 5
Sell your Transferable Skills
Step 6
Side Hustle
Step 1
Figure out how much you need/want.
Step 2
Figure out how much time you can commit.
Step 3
Do you have any current hobbies/skills you can utilize to create a side hustle?
Step 4
Schedule a 30 min. consult with our side hustle expert, Mark.