I help Pastors
Get jobs

I Help Pastors like you rebrand your valuable skills for marketplace hiring managers in a way that they can understand. Break into the marketplace economy, increase your earning capacity and sustain your ministry through a co-vocational model. Let's make it happen!

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headshot of Eric
Major Mindset Shifts

ministry sustainability

without money stress

You want to work hard, provide for your family and lead a ministry that you can be proud of but you have no idea how to expand your vocational options and earn more money outside of the church. This is how we help. 

an african american man smiling
a younger white man smiling and looking up
One major problem

professional rebranding

without the headache

As a pastor, you have only ever worked in churches and have no idea how to convey your valuable skills in a way that makes sense. This makes you feel paralyzed and frustrated because you know that you could break into the workforce, earn more money and meet community members outside the church but don’t know where to start on the job hunt. 

One major problem

Professional reBranding

Without the headache

As a pastor, you have only ever worked in churches and have no idea how to convey your valuable skills in a way that makes sense. This makes you feel paralyzed and frustrated because you know that you could break into the workforce, earn more money and meet community members outside the church but don’t know where to start on the job hunt. 

a younger white man smiling and looking up
Practice, not theory

training & coaching

from proven practitioners

I understand how difficult it is to change industries and move from being a Pastor to a Marketplace Professional because I did it in 2017. I made the leap from a Pastor to a Management Consultant and Covocational Church Planter and paved a career path for myself where I can serve in the church, work and earn in the marketplace, provide for my family and have helped thousands of others to do the same.

a group of ladies in conversation
A headshot of AJ


IHPGJ Success Story

“With the Resume Rewrite, I went from zero callbacks for 6 months to 3 callbacks (out of 5 applications) in 2 weeks! This stuff works."
Your next step

Why work with us?

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Career coaching

We are the exclusive Career Coaching Agency focused on Pastors and Ministry Professionals who want to transition into the marketplace. Our Coaching includes classes, group coaching and 1:1 guidance that fits your budget and schedule. 

increased income icon

Increased earning power

As someone in full time ministry, your earning potential is limited by the amount of money that comes into the offering plate every week. Even though God’s people are generous, as churches shrink and cost of living climbs, to expect the offering plate to fund your family’s needs is not always a long term winning bet.

a sustainability icon

Sustainable ministry

In March 2022, Barna released research that said 42% of pastors  have considered quitting ministry. The largest perpetrators were the stress of the job and loneliness and isolation, both of which can be remedied by a covocational approach to ministry that removes the stress to live off a church salary and the isolation of being a solo pastor who feels the need to do everything themselves. 

A simple process

how it works

hands typing on a keyboard
Get trained

Whether it’s our $100 Masterclass or 1:1 Coaching with Eric, you will be afforded the opportunity to learn from proven IHPGJ framework that has helped pastors just like you break into the marketplace and expand their vocational options.

Find a job

Armed with the techniques and practices that you have acquired, you can now set out and find your next opportunity. Listen to some of our favorite success stories below.

i help pastors get jobs

success stories


"I went with the resume rewrite, got my resume within 2 days and went home that night and applied for 10 jobs. Out of those 10 jobs I reached out to, 3 responded within a day...after my interview I got offered the job the next day.."


"Mark and Eric did a great job helping me rewrite my resume, helping me understand what my role was as an executive pastor and how that translated back into the marketplace. Now, I'm happy to say that I'm at a job where I make more than I did as a minister. I have benefits that I never had as a minister. I'm able to provide for my family like I never couldand I still get to be an active part of a local church and serve in leadership as well..."


"With Eric's help I landed a COO position at a local non-profit... I Help Pastors Get Jobs is appropriately named and I'm so grateful for their help."

Questions pastors usually ask

What sort of jobs can I even qualify for?

We advise 4 career paths to begin exploring as a pastor transitioning to the marketplace based on your skills and experience. They are Nonprofit, Project Management, Learning and Development or Sales. You can watch a free video on how to identify which skill set is best for you by clicking here

What is the typical time frame it takes to get a job?

This varies vastly on the intensity in which you network, apply and re-skill. In general, we suggest 6 months to be a realistic timeline from the time you start applying to jobs until the time an offer is made. It can take considerably longer based on preparing yourself for the job search such as navigating what type of job you want, creating a resume, networking, building a LinkedIn profile. We can help with all of that, just schedule a call.

What services do you provide?

We offer multiple services based on your needs as a job seeker. Everyone's job search process is different but our proven 5 step framework will help you identify what sort of jobs to begin to search for as well as proven techniques to secure your next position. There is a cost associated with our services and we offer a sliding scale to meet your budget. Schedule a free call to get the ball rolling on your job search.  

Will I be looked over simply because I am a pastor?

Unfortunately most companies are risk averse when hiring and pastors as career changers can be deemed as a risk given they do not have the traditional background. In the IHPGJ framework, we advise pastors to rebrand their ministry skills without using "church-y" language, to build their network and capitalize on referrals and coaching on how to navigate the interview process as it is vastly different than church interviews.

How long does it take if I take the next steps?

You will receive instant access to our digital services immediately and typically for anything custom (such as a resume) within 72 business hours.

Still have questions?

Shoot us a message and we'll get back with you ASAP. Also, make sure to checkout our Pathways page to see which next step might be right for you.
